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【基本释义】 在抖音中,有很多的小伙伴都被充8万感到好奇,什么东西要充8万,这个梗是怎么来的,是不是很好奇,下面小编就来为大家介绍一下抖音充8万的意思吧,一起来看看。抖音充8万意思介绍 这其实是在腾讯公司的一次活动中,总裁马化腾亲自跳了一段自己编排的舞蹈,其中有一个舞蹈动作是手指摆出了一个“八”字的动作,再带上那充满节奏的歌曲,真的是非常的火爆。很多小伙伴都在猜测,马总是不是暗示着我们在玩游戏的时候充八万呢。充8万背景歌曲介绍 《Beautiful Smile》是由歌手Saba / IDK演唱,所属专辑是《Beautiful Smile》。 《Beautiful Smile》歌曲试听 点击试听>> 《Beautiful Smile》歌词介绍 Ayy, ayy, ayy Watch it there, watch me ayy Watch me ayy, ayy, ayy I got a beautiful smile, honestly I forgot how Since I put my boy in a box, Sometimes I see him in the cloud I been away for a while, I'm in the bay, in the town ****** debating 'bout who is the greatest For what you debating about? ****** aching for clout, I know ****** who run in yo' house, without stakin' it out If you ain't really 'bout, **** that you say you about I went in a different route I just go pivot the couch I just envisioned the count Then I go get that amount I got a beautiful house, But honestly I skip the town Anytime that the temperature down So someone dissed me in a

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